Start on the journey of self-discovery and re-invention to transform your life and create a life you love with Self Discovery Sisterhood.

Gain a life of fulfillment and purpose with our dedicated, result-oriented resources and programs. Start by discovering what's holding you back from fully loving yourself with the Self Love Gap Worksheet.

The Self-Discovery Sisterhood brings women together

and guides them in their growth.

One On One Coaching

One on One Life Coaching

$ 1997

12 Goal setting & accountability calls

Customized workbooks to help you grow

Forever Free Access to Workshops

Free Group Coaching for 1 year

Whether you are working to uncover what you want or you're committed to change but not yet making progress towards that change working on on one with a coach is the best way to go from feeling like you don't have a clue to knowing exactly what to do next without seeking validation and without asking for permission. This is about your growth, your development, your wellness and your version of becoming the woman you know deep down inside you are meant to be.

I work with you one on one to go deep and uncover what you want, what's standing between you and your goals, how to unlock your full potential, and hold you accountable for taking the steps you need to take in order to achieve your goals

At the end of our time working together, you will be determined, confident, committed. You will have a clear plan of action and know how to hold yourself accountable for any goal you set for your life. You will learn how to coach yourself to freedom.

It all starts with a 30-minute clarity call, the first one is free. This call will help you make one big decision and determine if my coaching style is right for what you need in your life right now.



Prices Vary

Live & Recorded Options

Free Options

Replays Available

Meet Women Like You

We host a variety of both live and online classes, workshops, and seminars on the topics of:

Personal Growth & Development

Relationships with Others

Money & Financial Wellness

Physical Fitness, Nutrition, and Body Wellness
Career Issues that Impact Women the Most
Self-Care for Self-Improvement

SelF-Discovery Sisterhood Blog

How Can I Learn to Accept Change

How Can I Learn to Accept Change

Sometimes change happens to us and sometimes we choose to change. It is how we respond to change that determines if we will adapt, grow, and learn or if we will spin out of control and lose ourselves.... ...more

Personal Growth

November 04, 20226 min read

THIRD service title

Service 3

$ 35/hr

Minimum 20 hours a month

Social Media Management

WordPress Updates

FB Community Management

Graphics for Social Media Posts

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In a time not long ago (March 2020) I was forced to leave an industry that I loved and hated at the same time. I decided it was time for help. Help to figure out what I wanted to do with myself, and what obstacles I needed to remove. Terra helped me to figure out some hard truths about myself, and taught me to understand what our personal strengths are and our value. I also learned I WAS THE ONE causing my own distress.

Believe in yourself, and create a plan to nurture your growth. YOU CAN DO IT! Thanks Terra!

- Betsy W.

After my first coaching session with Terra, I felt understood and motivated on my journey of self-discovery. Coaching sessions with Terra made me feel empowered, confident, and more open to different challenges.

I moved across the globe!

Jasna D



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